Wednesday, September 16, 2009


AFTRA President Reardon Elected AFL-CIO Vice President to Serve on Executive Council

From the AFTRA Press Release:

PITTSBURGH (September 16, 2009)---Roberta Reardon, National President of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), released this statement today following her nomination and election to a seat on the AFL-CIO Executive Council and the election of Richard L. Trumka as president of the AFL-CIO: "I am profoundly honored to have been elected to serve on the Executive Council of the AFL-CIO, the nation's largest labor federation representing more than 11 million workers in 56 national and international labor unions. I would like to thank IATSE President Matt Loeb for his nomination and President Trumka for his support. I am deeply grateful to my fellow AFL-CIO Convention delegates for the honor of electing and entrusting me with this incredible responsibility. I look forward to serving on the Executive Council as a new opportunity to represent not only the members of my union, AFTRA, but all working men, women and children in the American labor movement.

"On behalf of the 70,000 members of AFTRA, I am delighted to congratulate Richard L. Trumka on his election as the new AFL-CIO President. As AFTRA members witnessed first-hand when then Secretary-Treasurer Trumka addressed our delegates at this summer's AFTRA Convention in Chicago, he is an effective, experienced and inspiring leader.

"President Trumka's impressive career in organized labor, first with the United Mine Workers of America as a staff attorney, board member and ultimately as their president, followed by his distinguished service as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO since 1995, make him an excellent choice for AFL-CIO President. His knowledge of the diverse issues facing working men, women and children, and AFTRA members in particular - from the Employee Free Choice Act, the Performance Rights Act, meaningful health care reform, Internet piracy and media consolidation to the importance of protecting quality journalism and diversity in the workplace, make him exactly the kind of tough and visionary leader to propel the American Labor movement forward in the 21st century.

"We look forward to working closely with the dynamic team of President Trumka, Vice President Arlene Holt Baker and Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler as we work together to guide union members, and all Americans, back to the path of economic success and the bright future we all deserve.

"We extend our deep and heartfelt appreciation to outgoing AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney, for his courageous leadership and dedicated service during some of the most challenging years that working Americans have ever faced. Without his leadership, we would not be able to stand united with hope for our future. Whether airline pilots or nurses; longshoremen or administrative professionals; or performers, recording artists and broadcast journalists, the working families of America have had, and will continue to have, a strong advocate in our friend John Sweeney."

The AFL-CIO is governed by a quadrennial convention at which all federation members are represented by elected delegates of our unions. Convention delegates set broad policies and goals for the union movement and every four years elect the AFL-CIO officers-the president, secretary-treasurer, executive vice president and 43 vice presidents.

These officers make up the AFL-CIO Executive Council, which guides the daily work of the federation. The AFL-CIO Executive Council meets at least twice a year to consider important union movement business and policies. The council regularly issues statements on legislative measures affecting the interests of working families, ongoing struggles for justice for workers and more. An AFL-CIO General Board includes the Executive Council members, a chief officer of each affiliated union and the trade and industrial departments created by the AFL-CIO constitution and four regional representatives of the state federations. The General Board takes up matters referred to it by the Executive Council.

About AFTRA: The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, AFL-CIO, are the people who entertain and inform America. In 32 Locals across the country, AFTRA members work as actors, journalists, singers, dancers, announcers, hosts, comedians, disc jockeys, and other performers across the media industries including television, radio, cable, sound recordings, music videos, commercials, audio books, non-broadcast industrials, interactive games, the Internet and other digital media. The 70,000 professional performers, broadcasters, and recording artists of AFTRA are working together to protect and improve their jobs, lives, and communities in the 21st century. From new art forms to new technology, AFTRA members embrace change in their work and craft to enhance American culture and society. Visit AFTRA online at